”Document Class”は書式というか パター ンというか 出力の形式をきめるもののようです。
documentclass[options]{class} documentclass[オプション]{スタイル}
”options;オプション”は 書略可能な様ですが”class;スタイル”は 必 要なようです。”class;スタイル”は色々なものが有るようです。
簡単に ”jarticle”を 使おうということにしておきます。当然縦書きのも のも有りますし、色々それ専用にしたものも有るということです。
”[options]”についても 沢山有るようです。文字の大きさ用紙の大きさ等 色々有るようです。最初は有るんだなという感じで見ておきましょう。
http://www.nada.kth.se/~carsten/latex/class.html Document Class \documentclass[options]{class} class The document class. The standard classes are: article, report, book, letter, and slides. options A list of one or more options, separated by commas - with no spaces. The options recognized by the standard document classes are listed below. Alternatives, at most one of which should appear, are separated by the symbol '|'. * 10pt|11pt|12pt Chooses the normal (default) type size of the document. The default is 10pt, which selects ten-point type. (These options are not recognized by the slides class). * letterpaper|legalpaper|executivepaper|a4paper|a5paper|b5paper Causes the output to be formatted for the appropriate paper size. The default is letterpaper. * landscape Causes the output to be formatted for landscape (sideways) printing on the selected paper size. This option effectively interchanges the width and height dimensions of the paper size. * final|draft If TeX has trouble finding good places to break lines, it can produce lines that extend past the right margin ('overfull hboxes'). The draft option causes such lines to be marked by black boxes in the output. The final option, which does not mark these lines, is the default. * oneside|twoside Formats the output for printing on one side or both sides of a page. The default is oneside, except that is is twoside for the book class. (The twoside options cannot be used with the slides document class. * openright|openany Specifies that chapters must begin on a right-hand page (openright) or may begin on any page (openany). These options apply only to the report class (whose default is openany) and the book class (whose default is openright). * onecolumn|twocolumn Specifies one-column or two-column pages. The default is onecolumn. (The <twocolumn option cannot be used with the slides class.) * notitlepage|titlepage The titlepage option causes the \maketitle command to make a separate title page and the abstract environment to put the abstract on a separate page. The default is titlepage for all classes except article, for which it is notitlepage. (These options are not recognized by the letter class.) * openbib Causes the bibliography to be formatted in open style (This option is not recognized by the letter and slides classes). * leqno Puts formula numbers on the left side in equation and eqnarray environments. * fleqn Left-aligns displayed formulas Putting an option in the \documentclass command effectively adds that option to any package (loaded with \usepackage command) that recognizes it. LaTeX issues a warning message if a document-class option is recognized neither by the document class nor by any loaded package. Taken from LaTeX. A Document Preparation System. Leslie Lamport. Second Edition, 1994.
にゃんたろう 拝!
2008年 6月 3日 (火) 21:03:09 JST 作成