dpkg-reconfigure locales
lx:~# dpkg-reconfigure locales
Debian Configuration
Configuring Locales
You can choose locales to be generated by selecting locales you want.
Selected locales will be saved to `/etc/locale.gen' file. You can also
manually edit this file. You need to run `locale-gen' after edit the
Select locales to be generated.
[*] en_US ISO-8859-1
[*] en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
[*] ja_JP.EUC-JP EUC-JP #
[*] ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8
Configuring Locales
Many packages in Debian use locales to display text in the correct
language for users. The default is C but you can change this if you're
not a native English speaker.
Note: This will reflect the language for your whole system. If you're
running a multi-user system where not all of your users speak the
language of your choice, then they will run into difficulties and you
might want to leave "C" as the default locale.
These choices are based on which locales you have chosen to generate.
Which locale should be the default in the system environment?
C #
Generating locales...
en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
en_US.UTF-8... done
ja_JP.EUC-JP... done
ja_JP.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
nyantarou:~# locale-gen
Generating locales...
en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
en_US.UTF-8... done
ja_JP.EUC-JP... done
ja_JP.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.