<what>= 値 |
Description 内容 |
Occurs in 発生場所 |
Class クラス |
The queue class: the numeric value defined in the sendmail
configuration file for the keyword given in the Precedence:
header of the processed message. クラス メッセージのクラス (数値優先順位) を指定します。 |
Sender log records 送信記録の データ |
Ctladdr |
The "controlling" user", that is, the name of the user whose credentials we use for delivery. 制御側ユーザー、つまり、送達に使用する証明書のオーナーであるユーザーの名前を指定します。 |
Recipient log records 受信記録の データ |
Delay |
The total message delay: the time difference between
reception and final delivery or bounce). Format is
delay=HH:MM::SS for a delay of less than one day and
delay=days+HH:MM::SS otherwise. このメッセージの受信時刻から送信時刻までの合計遅延時間を指定します。 |
Recipient log records |
From |
The envelope sender. Format is from=addr, with addr
defined in [2] by the "address" keyword. This can be an
actual person, or also be postmaster or the value of the
$n macro in the case of a bounced message. エンベロープ送信側のアドレスを指定します。 |
Sender log records |
Mailer |
The symbolic name (defined in the sendmail configuration
file) for the program (known as delivery agent) that
performed the message delivery. この受信側への送達に使用されたメール・プログラムの名前を指定します。 |
Recipient log records |
Msgid |
A world-unique message identifier, defined in [2] as msgid
local-part (a) domain and the placeholders local-part and
domain replaced by the respective keywords in [2]. The
msgid= equate is omitted if it (incorrectly) is not defined
in the configuration file. 世界で唯一つ? |
Sender log records |
Nrcpts |
The number of recipients for the message, after all aliasi
has taken place. そのメッセージのエンベロープ受信側の数 (別名付けと転送を行ったあとの) を示します。 |
Sender log records |
pri |
The initial priority assigned to the message. The priority
changes each time the queued message is tried, but this
equate only shows the initial value. 初期のメッセージ優先順位 (キューのソートに使用される) を指定します。 |
Sender log records |
Proto |
The protocol that was used when the message was received;
this is either SMTP, ESMTP, or internal, or assigned with
the -p command-line switch. It is stored in $r. メッセージの受信に使用するプロトコル (たとえば、ESMTP または UUCP) を指定します。
Sender log records |
Relay |
Shows which user or system sent / received the message;
the format is one of relay=user(a)domain [IP],
relay=user(a)localhost, or relay=fqdn host. ここに指定した
マシンからそのメッセージを受信しました。この受信側を 実際に 受け
入れた(または リジェクト)ホストの名前を指定する |
Sender and recipient log records |
Size |
The size of the incoming message in bytes during the DATA
phase, including end-of-line characters. For messages
received via sendmails' standard input, it is the count of
the bytes received, including the newline characters. メッセージのサイズをバイト単位で指定します。 |
Sender log records |
Stat |
The delivery status of the message. For successful delivery,
stat=Sent (text) is printed, where text is the actual
text that the other host printed when it accepted the
message, transmitted via SMTP. For local delivery, stat=Sent
is printed. Other possibilities are stat=Deferred: reason,
stat=queued, or stat=User unknown. [complete list of possible
values to be made] 送達状況を指定します。 |
Recipient log records |
to |
Address of the final recipient, after all aliasing has
taken place. The format is defined in [2] by the "address"
keyword. このメール・プログラムへ渡された受信側をコンマで区切ったリストが入っています。
Recipient log records |
Xdelay |
The total time the message took to be transmitted during
final delivery. This differs from the delay= equate, in
that the xdelay= equate only counts the time in the actual
final delivery. この送達試行に要した時間量を指定します。 |
Recipient log records |