
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

無断 改悪 コピー ですが 当然全てでは有りません。

The following directories, or symbolic links to directories, are required in /.

Directory	Description
bin	Essential command binaries

/bin : Essential user command binaries (for use by all users)

/bin contains commands that may be used by both the system administrator and by users, 
but which are required when no other filesystems are mounted (e.g. in single user mode). 
It may also contain commands which are used indirectly by scripts.

There must be no subdirectories in /bin.

The following commands, or symbolic links to commands, are required in /bin.

Command	Description
cat	Utility to concatenate files to standard output
chgrp	Utility to change file group ownership
chmod	Utility to change file access permissions
chown	Utility to change file owner and group
cp	Utility to copy files and directories
date	Utility to print or set the system data and time
dd	Utility to convert and copy a file
df	Utility to report filesystem disk space usage
dmesg	Utility to print or control the kernel message buffer
echo	Utility to display a line of text
false	Utility to do nothing, unsuccessfully
hostname	Utility to show or set the system's host name
kill	Utility to send signals to processes
ln	Utility to make links between files
login	Utility to begin a session on the system
ls	Utility to list directory contents
mkdir	Utility to make directories
mknod	Utility to make block or character special files
more	Utility to page through text
mount	Utility to mount a filesystem
mv	Utility to move/rename files
ps	Utility to report process status
pwd	Utility to print name of current working directory
rm	Utility to remove files or directories
rmdir	Utility to remove empty directories
sed	The `sed' stream editor
sh	The Bourne command shell
stty	Utility to change and print terminal line settings
su	Utility to change user ID
sync	Utility to flush filesystem buffers
true	Utility to do nothing, successfully
umount	Utility to unmount file systems
uname	Utility to print system information

If /bin/sh is not a true Bourne shell, 
it must be a hard or symbolic link to the real shell command.

The [ and test commands must be placed together in either /bin or /usr/bin.


For example bash behaves differently when called as sh or bash. 
The use of a symbolic link also allows users to easily see 
that /bin/sh is not a true Bourne shell.

The requirement for the [ and test commands to be included as binaries 
(even if implemented internally by the shell) 
is shared with the POSIX.2 standard. 
Specific Options


# ls /bin
Mail@         dialog*         install-4.1*  more*           shred*
arch*         dir*            kill*         mount@          stty*
bash*         dircolors*      killall@      mv*             su*
bash-static*  dmesg*          ln*           netstat*        sync*
cat*          dnsdomainname@  loadkeys*     nisdomainname@  tar*
chgrp*        domainname@     login*        pidof@          tar-static*
chmod*        du*             ls*           ping*           tcsh*
chown*        echo*           lsmod*        ps*             touch*
chroot*       ed*             lsmod.old@    pwd*            true*
cp*           false*          mail@         red@            umount@
csh@          groups*         mailx@        rm*             uname*
cut*          gzip@           mkdir*        rmdir*          vdir*
date*         head*           mkfifo*       setterm*        vigr@
dd*           hostname*       mknod*        sg@             ypdomainname@
df*           install*        mktemp*       sh@             zsh@

にゃんたろう 拝!

2010年 8月23日 (月) 21:09:47 JST 作成


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